West End United Methodist Church

Children's Choir

We want to personally invite your family to be a part of this fellowship opportunity! We have three Children’s Choirs here at West End (4 and 5 yrs/K,1st-3rd Grade,and 4th-6th grade) that meet each Wednesday night from August 24 - December 7 and then in the spring from January - April. The rehearsals are from 6 to 7 p.m. and include singing, activities, and even drumming! 

Our children’s choir program at West End is something that we treasure dearly as we involve the children in worship and in learning the wonderful traditions of this church. We hope that you will join us this fall!

Please feel free to contact Andrew Risinger at arisinger@westendumc.org or Caitlin Dowling at cdowling@westendumc.org if you have any questions or concerns!



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