West End United Methodist Church

The mission of The Sunny Day Club is to provide social interaction, stimulation and friendship in a caring, safe environment for those experiencing early stages of memory loss, as well as provide respite for the caregivers.

Sunny Day allows the caregiver a known block of time that they can count on to run errands, grocery shop, rest, etc. just to keep the household going. The members who come get a social outing, physical and mental exercise, acceptance as well as new friends. The volunteers receive their gift through the giving of their time and watching the joy on the faces of the members, which is priceless.


The Sunny Day Club meets on Mondays from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


For more information about this exciting ministry, please contact Rev. Shannon Baxter at 615.321.8500 or sbaxter@westendumc.org.