A wedding is a sacred ritual in our church. Members of West End and children of West End members are welcomed to be married here. This information is prepared in the hope that it will help you in the planning for one of the most significant events of your life.
When scheduling a wedding please keep in mind that a minister from West End must perform the marriage ceremony. If you wish a relative or family friend to assist in the ceremony, you must discuss that with the West End minister, as they must invite any assisting clergy. A West End organist will provide the music for weddings. Music selections must be appropriate for a service of worship at West End United Methodist Church and must be approved by the music staff.
To schedule a wedding:
Contact Cindy Siemer (321-8500 ext. 8823) so she can check the church calendar to see if your requested date is available. If the date is available she will send you a packet of information that provides general information and policies about weddings at West End.
After reviewing the information you must contact Rev. Will McLeane. He will counsel with each bridal couple and make the final decision about accommodating the wedding at West End.
After Rev. McLeane has approved the wedding, the wedding agreement has been signed and received (along with the deposit), then the wedding can be officially booked on the church calendar.
Weddings will not be performed at West End on these days: New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Palm Sunday, any day during Holy Week (including the day before Easter), Easter Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Sundays.