West End United Methodist Church

2024-2025 Thunder Chickens Basketball!!  

Our basketball league will begin in December - and we have THREE teams! The season runs from December through the beginning of March.

--> Coaches Turner Johnson, Jack Ferrara, Will Hoffman are coming back as your coaches AND we are adding Coach Tate Dillon as well! The cost for each player is $75. 

--> Coaches Molly Borneman and Elizabeth Saum are coming back for our 7th-12th grade girls' team! The cost is $75 per player.

If you received a West End jersey last year and have not returned it to West End's youth department and you will need a new one, there will be a $20 replacement fee for a new jersey.  Note - if you do still have one -  you can wear that one for this season and let us know below what the number is.

If you would like to be a 2024-2025 Thunder Chicken, please register below.

Have any questions - reach out to Emily! erobbins@westendumc.org