Stress: Helping Tweens and Teens with Healthy Responses
A Seminar for Parents and Others Caring for Young Ones
September 18, 5:30-7:30 PM, McWhirter Hall
Join counselors Kris Lott and Rich Gorman of Brentwood Counseling Associates for an important discussion about the stresses and pressures that young people face today, and how to help young persons respond to stress in healthy ways. Kris and Rich will describe what they are seeing in the lives of young persons as it relates to stress, provide guidance as to how to help tweens and teens manage stress, and answer questions you may have about how you care for young persons. This seminar will be great for parents, guardians, grandparents, or anyone else who cares for young persons of older elementary, middle, or high school ages. The event is free and open to all. We hope to see you there!