West End UMC at Pride 2023
Welcome to the West End Pride 2023 Sign up! We are delighted to be in communion with other UMC's in the area this year to present one booth with individual tables. We will be having times of communion in the middle of our booths, but each church will still need individual volunteers to sit at their church's table. PRIDE festival is at Bicentennial Mall again this year and will be June 24th and June 25th.
- Parade Information - West End has 30 spots to fill in the parade. This year we are signing up for the parade through a joint sign up with other United Methodist Churches. We are asking that all people marching in the parade wear the same shirt that will be distributed to you that morning (you can wear your West End shirt later at the festival and at our booth). The parade steps off at 10 AM on Saturday June 24th from the corner of 8th avenue and Broadway, but we will be given our spot (typically farther down Broadway) before then. Please be ready to be march at 9:15 AM. Sign up for the parade here!
- Booth Information - We will need people to help set up our booth, sell shirts at our booth in 2 hour time shifts listed below, and take down our booth at the end of the festival. Individuals or families can sign up to do this. There will be training on how to use the iPad device for card shirt sales. Please sign up for our booth here!