Small Groups
Benton Restoration
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Young Adults, Midlife Adults (Childcare Provided)
Primarily comprised of couples in their early to mid-30’s, this class seeks to walk in faith together as we dig deeply into biblical and topical studies together. We seek connection to other couples at WEUMC while honoring the busyness of one another’s lives. Come as you are and as you are able!
Bible and Spirit
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Midlife Adults, Mature Adults (Childcare Provided)
The Bible & Spirit Class focuses on Biblical themes or subjects with the intention of learning, personal application, and spiritual growth. Stimulating discussions often result, and inspiring teachers may be from active or retired clergy, ministry staff, or leaders of innovative community ministries. The class encourages active involvement and support of such mission projects as Magdalene House or Habitat for Humanity. Class members are composed of adult singles and couples, spanning mixed ages. Varying opinions and attitudes are accepted in a friendly and hospitable atmosphere. Members are sensitive to concerns of the class and the church for prayer, nurture, and support. Fun and fellowship suppers are held in homes at Christmas or other times of the year.
Breakfast and Bible Study
Bible Studies · Tuesday,
Young Adults, Midlife Adults, Mature Adults, Intergenerational
Every Tuesday morning, a group at West End UMC gathers to discuss the Scripture passage for Sunday over donuts and coffee with the pastor who will be preaching on Sunday (usually Rev. Carol Cavin-Dillon).
Chat and Chew
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Young Adults
Join us for a free meal every Sunday after the late service when school is in session. Contact Rev. Nancy Hawthorne for details of where the group meets at
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Mature Adults (Childcare Provided)
In a most traditional Methodist way, The Cokesbury Class is an untraditional timeless group that is intellectually curious and works to engage each other in lively Christian conversation within a community of love, grace and humor. Discussions center on exploring and sharing spiritual concerns of contemporaneous faith issues.
Within an interactive, give and take atmosphere, teachers can be students and students can be teachers. Class members share responsibility by bringing in outside moderators and teachers or by relying on the diversity and interests of its own members.
Visitors, Guests, and New Members will be welcomed with open arms, open hearts and open minds where together we can “Discover how to use our Spirit-given strengths to work for God’s justice, peace and reconciliation”.
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Midlife Adults (Childcare Provided)
Cornerstone relies on scripture and/or topical themes to spur spirited discussions with the intention of deepening our spiritual growth. Though primarily a self-taught class, guest speakers from inside and outside the church are brought in occasionally. All are welcome in this class and accepted "as-is" in a spirit of hospitality and inclusivity. Class members are also active participants in the church's outreach programs, including Bethlehem Center, Habitat for Humanity, and Room in the Inn. The class consists primarily of married couples from late 30s to early 50s with children, though not everyone fits this mold nor is it a prerequisite. Class members sustain each other in joys and concerns through prayer and support. Fellowship activities include our annual camping trip to Pickett State Park, lively Christmas party, and pot luck Sunday brunch.
Discourse and Discovery
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
An inclusive community that engages in spirited group discussions that, at their core, strive to link faith and spirituality to events in each of our lives. We value sharing and comparing views on a variety of topics that allow us to learn from one another. We know that we struggle daily with faith issues that confront us, and so seek to nurture each other and build a community of strength, acceptance and support. We welcome all who wish to join us for an hour, a month, a year or a lifetime!
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Young Adults (Childcare Provided)
Welcome to the Foundations Class - a class of young married couples and growing families at West End United Methodist Church.
We meet every Sunday in Room 310 from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Foundations is a class on a journey to building lasting relationships with both our spouses and each other by friendship, fellowship and studying the word of God. Come join us!
Hearts and Minds Bible Study
Bible Studies · Sunday,
Midlife Adults (Childcare Provided)
If you’d like a week to week Bible Study Sunday Morning Class with an indepth look at scripture andits relevance to day to day living, all within a caring and prayerful class setting, Hearts & Minds Class is the one you want. Bring your Bible and we’ll supply the student study book from our United Methodist Publishing House.
Making Room
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Young Adults, Midlife Adults
A group of individuals, both singles and couples, with varying backgrounds that bring our experiences for discussion about our faith journeys. No age limit for the class, currently 30's through 50's. We believe everyone has a voice and something to share. We study through scheduled Bible readings, topic studies, and book reads. We also try to meet quarterly for potlucks and volunteer opportunities to help grow deeper in our faith and our connections together.
Monday 9:15-10:15 AM, Room 307
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Monday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
Mosaic Class
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Young Adults, Midlife Adults (Childcare Provided)
The Mosaic Class is a group of 20 and 30 somethings who come from various walks of life as we share the journey of spiritual growth together. We are a combination of singles and couples, with and without kids. Our diverse stages in life add to the richness of our conversations as we seek to welcome all who hope to grow in their faith alongside others. We are truly a “mosaic” of younger adults doing our best to be disciples of the God known in Jesus Christ whose boundary-breaking love shapes our lives.