Small Groups
Open Study
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Open Study is a lively discussion group, progressive as it explores faith and contemporary issues in a search for ways to deepen spiritual faith and values for living in a modern, changing world. This open group welcomes a wide range of challenging views, values exchanging opinions, and seeks to help the Bible come alive for daily living. Outreach and missions are very important to the class. Part of the way Open Study serves is through a program called Everything Must Change. A main project is a summer intership program working with youth in North Nashville providing them with job training and leadership development.
Open Study is a multi generational, young and old, new members and old timers, singles and couples engaged in living our faith and constructing our path of faith. Come one Sunday, come every Sunday. All are welcome.
Pastor's Noon Bible Study
Bible Studies · Tuesday,
Young Adults, Midlife Adults, Mature Adults, Intergenerational
Every Tuesday during lunch people gather to discuss the Scripture passage for Sunday over a bring-your-own brown bag lunch with the pastor who will be preaching on Sunday (usually Rev. Carol Cavin-Dillon).
Saints and Sinners
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Midlife Adults (Childcare Provided)
Saints and Sinners invites speakers, from within the Church and without, to address a diverse range of topics. From Bible studies to moral or ethical issues, ancient cultures to current events, Saints and Sinners explores a multitude of subjects throughout the year. Membership consists of midlife adult couples and singles. We celebrate each other’s joys and share each other’s concerns.
Sine Nomine
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Young Adults, Midlife Adults, Mature Adults, Intergenerational
The Sine Nomine Class is scheduled to accommodate singers in the Chancel Choir, but is open to all. “Sine Nomine” is latin for “without a name” (we’re a little bit cheeky) and is also the name of the tune for the hymn “For All the Saints” (and “All” means ALL!). We meet from 9:40 – 10:20 am in Room LL5 on the Lower Level. The class is led by a variety of leaders on a wide range of topics.
Based on the choir schedule, our meeting schedule is modified. We will meet from Sept. 10 – Nov. 19, 2017 and from Jan. 7 – Mar. 18, 2018.
Sunday 9:45-10:45AM, LL 4
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Thursday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
The Quest
Sunday Morning Classes · Sunday,
Mature Adults (Childcare Provided)
Thursday 6 - 7 PM, Bishop's Parlor
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Thursday,
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Offsite
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Wednesday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Room 307
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Wednesday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
Wednesday 6 -7 PM, Room 402
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Wednesday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
Wednesday 6-7 PM, Room 305
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Wednesday,
Intergenerational (Childcare Provided)
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.
Wednesday 7 - 8 AM, Room 305,
Covenant Discipleship Groups · Wednesday,
Covenant Discipleship is a contemporary small-group adaptation of the original Methodist class meetings developed by John and Charles Wesley, the sole purpose for which is mutual support for living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Groups (of up to seven persons) meet weekly for one hour. These groups promote a balance between works of piety and works of mercy, the balance necessary for a healthy (i.e., functional) Christian life in both private and public expression.