West End United Methodist Church

A Journey to Healing

Speakers:Rev. Dr. Carol Cavin-Dillon
Topics:Holy communion, Sermon, Sunday service

The Old Testament text for today is a great story, quite amusing in some ways.  It pokes some fun at Naaman, an army commander and hero in Aram who is ultimately healed of leprosy.  If we are honest, however, and look closely enough at ourselves, we might see that we have done some of the very things Naaman is being criticized for doing in this story.   (NOTE:  Although the video begins with the Communion Meditation, once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The video of the entire service is available to watch.)


  • 2 Kings :5:1-14


Late Service Bulletin 7/7/2019

Early Service Bulletin 7/7/2019
