West End United Methodist Church

Encounter Service of Prayer and Presence, October 5, 2022

Speakers:Brandon Baxter
Topics:Encounter Service of Prayer and Presence

This is the sixth of the Encounter Worship Series, a mid-week service of  “prayer and presence,” taking place in conjunction with West End’s Wednesday evening dinner and programming.  The theme for the first six weeks is “Come, Holy Spirit.”  Rev. Brandon Baxter leads the service this evening, and Matthew Phelps, West End’s Minister of Music, is the music leader.  Brandon opened with an overview of how this series has examined the concept of the Spirit to this point.  Today’s theme is “Spirit of the Future,” and we pray the prayer Prayer to the Holy Spirit by St. Augustine, and then hear some writing of Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian theologian, in part because we tend to look at our European heritage of the church, but much of the church’s recent growth has been in the global south in places like Brazil.  The section Brandon reads is an exposition of the nature and work of the Spirit.  (NOTE: Below is a pdf of this evening’s program for viewing and/or downloading.)


Encounter Service Bulletin (10/5/2022)
