West End United Methodist Church

Encounter Service of Prayer and Presence, September 28, 2022

Speakers:Erin Racine

This is the fifth of the Encounter Worship Series, a mid-week service of  “prayer and presence,” taking place in conjunction with West End’s Wednesday evening dinner and programming.  The theme for the first six weeks is “Come, Holy Spirit.”  Rev. Erin Racine leads the service this evening, and Matthew Phelps, West End’s Minister of Music, is the music leader.  This is an opportunity to hear and ponder the creative work of the Spirit, and to meditate on the Spirit.  Today’s theme is “The Divine Feminine and the Universal Spirit,” and we pray the prayer Prayer to the Holy Spirit by St. Augustine, and then hear the Lukan account of the baptism of Jesus with the descent of the Holy Spirit.  Erin recalls for us the historical dualism between body and spirit, and she then explores the unification of body and spirit, first in the Holy Spirit descending in body of the dove in Jesus’ baptism.  Further, the dove is representative of the feminine, pointing to the unity of the spirit with both male and female.  This is then demonstrated with everyone praying a “body prayer.”    (NOTE: Below is a pdf of this evening’s program for viewing and/or downloading.)


  • Luke :3:21-22


Encounter Service Bulletin (9/28/2022)
