West End United Methodist Church

Forgive and Don't Forget

Speakers:Rev. Dr. Carol Cavin-Dillon
Topics:Children's moment, Sermon, Sunday service

Continuing our series of sermons from Matthew, today’s reading is a wrenching parable with a servant who is forgiven but then refuses to forgive someone else for the same thing.  But is this behavior just like ours?  We have received God’s grace and love, and yet do we pass that grace and love on to others?  Do we not keep track of others’ wrongs against us?  Do we not hold others responsible?  And yet Jesus keeps telling us about forgiveness.  How do we move toward forgiveness?  (NOTE: We usually post the 11 o’clock service, but with the COVID-19 threat we are having only the 8:45 service today, and that is the service we are posting.  NOTE:  Although the video begins with the Children’s Moment, once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The video of the entire service is available to watch.)


  • Matthew :18:21-35


Worship Service Bulletin (9/13/2020)


Forgive and Don't Forget (Children's Moment & Sermon)