In Remembrance (Maundy Thursday 2022)
It is Maundy Thursday. Rev. Erin Racine is preaching, and the reading is Luke’s version of the Last Supper. Erin first talks about nostalgia, especially related to the pandemic, and then about the whole concept of nostalgia, its positives and negatives. Jesus directs the disciples to “do this in remembrance of me,” and so Christians through the centuries do so in the act of communion. It is not only an act of remembering Jesus and that event, but an act of re-membering, of gathering as a community of Christians together, of accepting each other across lines of diverse backgrounds and even conflicts, an act of unity under Christ. (NOTE: The video begins with the Communion Meditation, but once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want. The entire service is videoed.)
- Luke :22:14-20