West End United Methodist Church

In the Wilderness

Speakers:Rev. Dr. Carol Cavin-Dillon
Topics:Children's moment, Lent, Sermon, Sunday service

Today’s reading is the very familiar story of Jesus’ being led into the wilderness immediately following his baptism.  Some aspects of this are difficult to imagine, such as having nothing to eat for forty days, after which he is tempted to use his powers to turn stones into bread.  The three temptations are all attempts to get Jesus to put his trust somewhere other than in God.  What happens to us when we are tempted to trust something or someone other than God?   (NOTE:  Although the video begins with the Children’s Moment, once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The video of the entire service is available to watch.)


  • Luke :4:1-13


Late Service Bulletin 3/10/2019

Early Service Bulletin 3/10/2019
