West End United Methodist Church


Speakers:Brandon Baxter
Topics:Children's moment, Sermon, Sunday service

Continuing with our sermon series from Matthew, today’s reading is the familiar story of the Pharisees and Herodians trying to entrap Jesus by asking him whether to pay taxes to Caesar.  Beneath the obvious question is the issue of where one’s loyalties lie.  The Pharisees and the Herodians each had different perspectives and interests where Rome and Jesus were concerned.  Neither group thought Jews ought to pay the tax.  Does this story have something to say about our own view of our own righteousness?  Perhaps the important part of the answer of Jesus comes after the “and.”   (NOTE: We are beginning to reopen from the COVID-19 pandemic.  The early service has a chamber choir but no congregation.  The late service has a limited congregation but no choir.  Except for some of the music, the services are essentially the same.  NOTE: Both videos begin with the Children’s Moment or sermon, but after starting you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want to see the entire service.)


  • Matthew :22:15-22


Early Service Bulletin (10/18/2020)

Late Service Bulletin (10/18/2020)


Renderings (Children's Moment & Sermon from the Early Service)