West End United Methodist Church

The Eyes of the Heart

Speakers:Rev. Dr. Carol Cavin-Dillon
Topics:Sunday service

Today is the sixth Sunday for our summer sermon series, “Rise and Shine,” examining a number of passages that offer light as an image of God’s presence and grace.  Today’s reading is the first part of the letter to the Ephesians where the writer addresses an early congregation, telling them they are known for their faith and love.  The writer goes on to offer prayer for the congregation that they may be given a spirit and revelation through the eyes of their hearts.  What does this mean for our cleaning off our glasses and mirrors that we can love others and love ourselves as God loves us?   (NOTE:  The video begins with the Children’s Moment, but once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The entire service is videoed.)


  • Ephesians :1:1-10, 15-19


Early Service Bulletin (7/11/2021)

Late Service Bulletin (7/11/2021)
