What's in a Name?
Following our Lenten theme, Re:set, today’s particular focus is Re:name, and the text is the story of God’s changing the names of Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. With the change of names comes a new relationship with God, and they now have a new purpose. It happens when they are very old, indicating we are never too old to come into new relationship with God. Here, too, God gets a new name, El Shaddai. Jesus uses Abba, a term more like “Dad” or “Daddy,” again indicating a special relationship. What names do we use for God? Are we willing to be renamed by God? (NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are livestreaming only the early service, using a chamber choir and having limited congregation. NOTE: The video begins with the Children’s Moment, but once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want. The entire service is videoed.)
- Genesis :17:1-7, 15-16