West End United Methodist Church

Alive: Re-engaging Theologies of Hope, Session 1: Ecclesiastes: The Dielectic of Hope and Dread

Speakers:Matthew Charlton

This is the first in our summer Sunday series for 2021. This session, “Ecclesiastes: The Dielectic of Hope and Dread,” focusses on the perspective of the writer of Ecclesiastes, and where there is hope in the midst of some words that aren’t normally considered hopeful.   Matthew W. Charlton is an ordained elder in the Tennessee Conference, teaching at Belmont University and Vanderbilt Divinity School, but currently at Garrett Evangelical Seminary.  He holds Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Religion degrees from Vanderbilt and a PhD in contemporary theology from Garrett Evangelical Seminary.  (NOTE:  The recordings, both video and audio, did not begin as soon as the session began, so part of Rev. Brandon Baxter’s introduction to Rev. Charlton is missing at the beginning.)


  • Ecclesiastes :
