West End United Methodist Church

Children's Ministry Bible Sunday

Each year we celebrate Faith Milestones with our children at West End.  Our Faith Milestone program is designed to partner with families to find ways for children and families to grow in faith at church and at home. We will be presenting Bibles to our 3 and 4 year olds AND our 3rd graders in worship on Sunday September 22.

We are excited to combine Bible Sunday with a new opportunity we're calling Children's Sabbath which will include children leading us in worship at both services! Kids will take on all the worship leader roles and children’s choirs will sing. We’re excited to try this on a Sunday morning in an expanded way from what we do on Christmas Eve.

3s and 4s will receive a Spark Story Book Bible to read with their families in the hopes that they will begin to develop a love for God and scripture as connect with God through reading the stories of the Bible.

3rd graders will receive a Deep Blue Kids Bible to continue the long-held tradition of giving Bibles to our 3rd graders as they continue to grow in their faith and begin to read and discover God’s word for themselves.

 Here is what Children's Sabbath and Bible Sunday will look like:

  • During both worship services, kids of all ages will have the opportunity to lead in different worship roles and we will present children with their Bibles. Please choose which service you prefer to attend for your child to receive their Bible.
  • There will be a reception in Reed Hall for everyone between the services that will be come and go or come and stay; Sunday school will still meet.
  • We will plan to take group pictures in the sanctuary following the services.
  • We will also send home a gift bag of goodies and a folder of activities that you can do together at home to learn more about the new Bible.

If you’re unavailable on the 22nd, we will gladly deliver your Bible to your home, and you can indicate that on the registration form.

Please register by September 18!