Combined Adult Summer Sunday School
Join the combined Sunday morning class for coffee and conversation in McWhirter Hall from 9:45-10:45 a.m. The class will study the book The Virtue in the Vice: Finding Seven Lively Virtues in the Seven Deadly Sins by Dr. Robin R. Meyers.
- July 13 - Rev. Nancy Hawthorne - RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, not anger
- July 20 - Charles Grice - HOLY EROS, not lust.
- July 27 - Steve Brickner - COMMUNION, not gluttony
- August 3 - Steve Norris - WANTING WISELY, not greed.
The combined class is designed for all ages with the hopes to connect those who have yet to find a Sunday morning class during the summer months. Please come even if you have not read the book chapter. We will have books available for purchase and use in the class. For more information, contact Nancy Hawthorne at