From Camp Meetings to City Halls: Christianity in the 19th Century // Summer Sunday Morning Series 2022
Each Summer in the months of June and July, our church offers a series of summer classes and spiritual formation opportunities that are open to anyone who would like to attend. We hope you will join us this summer for two different experiences, one rooted in history and the other rooted in the present.
In June (6/5-6/26), we are blessed to be led in a lecture style discussion-based series taught by West End’s own Steph Fulbright. Steph is a historian of Christianity who has a degree from Vanderbilt Divinity School. She will present a series entitled “From Camp Meetings to City Halls: Christianity in the 19th Century.” After polling our members on what topics from Christian history West Enders would like to learn more about, Steph chose to focus on the early days of our country and the revivals that set the stage for the Methodist movement and other religious groups. Each week, Steph will present for approximately thirty minutes and then open the space for questions and discussion.
We will break for July 3, and then resume for an interactive series called “Table Talk” for the remainder of July (7/10-7/31). After a long two years of being mostly separated from one another, this will be a chance to gather around tables in McWhirter Hall to chat over light food and coffee. Each conversation will be guided by prompts that will help us get to know one another as we reflect on our faith and the times in which we are living. As a participant, you will be encouraged to sit with a mixture of familiar faces and new acquaintances as you (re)connect and get to know your West End neighbors better.