West End United Methodist Church

WEB (West End Belmont) Music Camp

From Hillsboro Village to West End Avenue, from Nashville to Guatemala, United Methodists are making connections! This summer, during the week of July 18-22, for children ages 4 - grade 6, West End UMC and Belmont UMC will join forces, teachers, and new ideas for a combined music camp to be held at Belmont UMC, from 9 a.m.- 12 noon!

Our union reinforces the connectional nature of the United Methodist Church, and allows our children opportunities to make new friends, learn from new teachers, and experience music classes not previously offered.

Children will move from class to class, in age appropriate groups, experiencing music through drumming, handbells, Orff instruments, singing, musical games and more!

Invite your friends to connect with us! Online registrations may be found below. Questions? Contact Caitlin Dowling at cdowling@westendumc.org


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