West End United Methodist Church

Looking Backward, Moving Forward

Speakers:Rev. Stacey Harwell-Dye
Topics:Sunday service

We have now celebrated the birth of Christ and are at the brink of a new year.  The scripture for today is from Joshua, the account of the people crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land, and God tells them to set up a pile of 12 stones, one for each tribe, as a memorial.  Rev. Stacey Harwell-Dye, our Pastor of Mercy and Justice ministries is preaching and says that on New Year’s Eve we often look back on memories while looking ahead to the new year.  And that is something that the scriptures frequently prompt both the ancient believers and us to do – to look back and remember what God has done and to move forward under the grace and helping hand of God.  We are encouraged to remember the places we forgot God and what happened as a result, and then to move onward with that in our hearts and souls to change our directions and also to educate the generations behind us.  Jesus called on the disciples to do just that as they communed at the last supper, to “Do this in remembrance of me,” and we are called by the same directive in our own communion services.  (NOTE: Reflecting the importance of the Word, the video begins with the scripture, but once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The entire service is videoed.)


  • Joshua :4:1-8, 19-22


Bulletin for New Year's Eve Service, Dec. 31, 2023

Hymn Lyrics for New Year's Eve Service, Dec, 31, 2023


Looking Back, Moving Forward (scripture and sermon) Dec. 31, 2023