Sunday Morning Classes
All are welcome to participate in Sunday Morning Classes (aka “Sunday School”) each week. These groups span every stage of life and encompass various points along the spiritual journey. Classes meet at 9:45 AM unless noted otherwise in their descriptions. We hope you will join us as we deepen our relationships with God and one another! Some classes are currently meeting online or in hybrid format. Please email class contacts for Zoom online meeting links.
The Quest – Room 305 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: The Quest is a book study group, and the format is class participation and discussion. Adults of all age groups attend. The class is composed of both married people and singles; and both men and women.
Contacts: Mary Mitchell,
Discourse and Discovery – Room 306 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Intergenerational community of strength, acceptance, and support linking faith and spirituality to events in our lives.
Contacts: Ed Zinkiewicz, Anita Schmid,
Open Study – Room 307 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Intergenerational discussion; progressive as it explores faith and contemporary issues while practicing mission and justice.
Contacts: Judy Helfer, Phyllis Sells,
Foundations – Room 310
Class Description: Foundations is a class of young married couples and growing families on a journey to building lasting relationships with both our spouses and each other by friendship, fellowship and studying the word of God.
Contacts: Emma Sholl:
Mosaic – Room 317
Class Description: A group of 20 and 30 somethings who come from various walks of life as we share the journey of spiritual growth together, we are a combination of singles and couples, with and without kids. We are truly a “mosaic” of younger adults doing our best to be disciples of the God known in Jesus Christ whose boundary-breaking love shapes our lives.
Contact: Nick Deitmen,
Benton Restoration – Room 318 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Primarily comprised of couples in their 30’s, this class seeks to walk in faith together as we dig deeply into biblical and topical studies together. We seek connection to other couples at WEUMC while honoring the busyness of one another’s lives. Come as you are and as you are able!
Contact: Katie Ward,
Cokesbury – Room 319 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Mature adults engaging in lively Christian conversation within a community of love, grace, and humor.
Contact: Bill Bayer,
Bible and Spirit – Room 320 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Midlife and Mature adults focused on biblical themes or subjects with the intention of learning, personal application, and spiritual growth.
Contacts: Nancy Jones, Sue Smith,
Making Room – Room 321
Class Description: A group of individuals, both singles and couples, with varying backgrounds who bring our experiences for discussions about our faith journeys. No age limit for the class, currently 30's through 50's. We believe everyone has a voice and something to share. We study through scheduled Bible readings, topic studies, and book reads. We also try to meet quarterly for potlucks and volunteer opportunities to help grow deeper in our faith and our connections together.
Contacts: Ashley Howerton, Brent Clark,
Saints and Sinners - Room 322 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Midlife and Mature Adults inviting speakers, from within the Church and without, to address a diverse range of topics.
Contacts: Sammy Swor, Sallie Norton,
Cornerstone – Room 323 (Online Option Available)
Class Description: Mostly married couples and some singles from early 50s to early 60s engaging in a wide variety of biblical study, discussion, and spiritual development topics from current authors, speakers and theologians.
Contacts: John Bryant, George Lynch,
If you would be interested in starting a new Sunday morning class, please let us know. We are always excited to support new opportunities for spiritual growth.
For more information about current classes or starting a new class, please contact Will McLeane, Pastor of Spiritual Formation, at
Updated - 3/2024
= Reconciling Ministries Class